The tension soared on BBC's The Apprentice as Lord Sugar delivered a surprise sacking in the latest episode. Thursday's show had the contenders designing a children’s banking app and money box aimed at those aged six to nine.

Jordan bravely stepped up as project manager for one team, while Frederick helmed the opposing group. Yet it wasn't smooth sailing for either side, with Jordan's squad displaying a confusing misalignment between their money box creation and the app team, and Frederick's side opting for more amusement than educational.

The pitches to three investors proved particularly challenging for Frederick's team and their canine-themed money box and game—judged as too young for the children they were targeting.

Ultimately, Jordan learnt his squad was victorious. Despite concerns over branding cohesion, all three investors were keen, pledging a collective £465,000 towards the project's next stage.

Frederick's team focused their idea on a dog for the task
Frederick's team focused their idea on a dog for the task

A visibly moved Jordan managed to hold back tears upon securing his first win as a project manager, reports the Mirror.

On the other hand, not a single investor showed interest in what Frederick's group had presented, relegating them to the losing team of the week. An astonished Lord Sugar couldn’t hide his reaction, exclaiming: "Really? ! Not a penny? b***dy hell."

Frederick was faced with the critical decision of whom to take back into the boardroom, ultimately choosing Dean and Melica as his companions to face potential dismissal by Lord Sugar.

Jordan was overcome with emotion after securing his win on the BBC show
Jordan was overcome with emotion after securing his win on the BBC show

Contrarily, the business titan responded with a surprising verdict, remarking: "It seems like a completely disjointed organisation you were running there, completely disjointed.

"So look, my gut feeling tells me that you've got a lot to answer Frederick. I don't like wasting my time. I think you led a bad team, I think the dynamic of the team is terrible at the moment, listening to everybody."

Lord Sugar's next words sealed Frederick's fate: "I think that you missed an opportunity of £1.1 million, you got no orders at all, so Frederick, you're fired."

Frederick was instantly fired in the most recent episode of the BBC show
Frederick was instantly fired in the most recent episode of the BBC show

Reflecting on his dismissal during his taxi exit, Frederick mused: "I do think that it was a mistake but if Lord Sugar ever needs any public speaking advice, he knows who to get in touch with."

Although people online were less than impressed with the instant firing, claiming the way Frederick left was harsh.

However, Frederick wasn’t the sole contestant bidding farewell after succumbing to the task. In an unforeseen move following a collective return to the boardroom, Lord Sugar executed a double-firing, declaring Keir's journey on the show was also over.

The Apprentice continues Thursdays on BBC from 9pm.